Put an End to Awkward Situations with these Effective Gas Relieving Remedies
It is no coincidence that both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, two of the oldest healing practices in the world, both agree that “The Key to your Overall Health lies in your Digestive System”. Both these forerunners of contemporary medicine unanimously agree that the link between a person’s digestive health and their overall well-being is profound.
Addressing the Foul Smelling Elephant in the Room
And, today’s article is all about an issue that is natural yet highly embarrassing. It’s often shunned from open discussion and makes the sufferer face severe social stigma. Call it whatever you want – passing gas, breaking wind, farting, flatulence, air attack – you cannot disagree that it’s highly uncomfortable and can even lead to breaking relationships.
Factors that Trigger Digestive Problems
Intestinal gas is often a symptom rather than an illness. There are so many causes for excessive gas and bloating. Identifying the root cause is essential to put an end to embarrassing situations. Some of the reasons for digestive problems like gas, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, constipation and stomach ulcers are:
- Improper Diet – An improper diet with processed foods, trans-fats, artificial sweeteners, sugars, caffeine, no fibre and high levels of alcohol consumption are the primary reasons for all digestive problems including bloating.
- Sedentary Lifestyle – A stressful lifestyle with lack of adequate sleep and no exercise wrecks your digestive system.
- Allergies and Food Sensitivity – Food sensitivity is a result of low secretion of lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down milk sugar.
- Infections – Diseases like an under-active thyroid gland can lead to infections that damage the digestive system.
- Medications – Regular medications like anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and laxatives all destroy the friendly bacteria in your gut and impair the proper functioning of the digestive system.
Natural Ways to Heal your Digestive Problems
A trained naturopathic doctor can help you address underlying issues and set your digestive system back on the right track. A personal treatment plan can help you be freed from the embarrassments of your digestive system. In the meantime, there are several natural remedies to help you ease the symptoms and stop being a moving gas machine.
Eight Natural Ways to Put an End to Excessive Gas
#1: Chew your Food Thoroughly
Remember that your mouth is the entryway to your digestive system and proper digestion begins from there. When you chew your food properly, it’s easier on your digestive system to process it. This helps the body to digest the food easily without being strained.
No gulping food at your desk. Take time to chew and cherish each mouthful of food.
#2: Real Foods are your Ally
Try to make the switch to whole, organic foods that are fresh. Stay away from processed junk foods that are overloaded with refined carbs, sugar, salt and oils. These foods not only provide any nourishment to your body but are also difficult for your system to process.
Any food that is packed and has a long shelf life is processed. Stay clear of these.
#3: Include Foods rich in Good Bacteria
These tiny microorganisms that inhabit your digestive tracks are the powerhouses of digestion. Improve the flora of your gut by including a variety of naturally fermented and cultured foods.
Yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented vegetables are naturally rich in probiotic bacteria. Instead, of reaching for the can of flavoured yoghurt, try to ferment it at home.
#4: Show some love to your Liver
The liver is one organ that is responsible for the efficient working of your digestive system. Try to include liver friendly foods like carrots, beets, leafy vegetables regularly in your diet. Cut back on the alcohol to prevent overworking of your liver.
#5: Stay Hydrated
Most people who suffer from digestive problems are seriously dehydrated. Try to increase the amount of water you drink to get your system going.
Include a cup of lukewarm water with one spoon of ACV (apple cider vinegar) or lime juice daily. If drinking plain water isn’t that appealing, try to include herbal teas that not only heal your digestive tracts but also calms and soothe you. Ginger, fenugreek, fennel, peppermint are all great for improving digestion.
#6: Get a Handle on your Stress
Stress doesn’t just wreck your mind, but it also messes your digestion! Find an activity that calms and relaxes you and practice it daily.
A few minutes of yoga, Pranayama or meditation can work wonders not only for your mind but also for your body.
#7: Reset your System with Regular Detox Sessions
In the hectic lifestyle of today and dangerous levels of urban pollution, our bodies accumulate toxins on a regular basis. Flush out these toxins from your system with regular Detox sessions like Mud Therapies, Kriyas or Hydrotherapy.
#8: Get your Body Moving
Exercise and diet are often the solutions to most of the health issues that plague human beings. A regular exercise regime can help in getting your digestive tracts work. This aids in eliminating flatulence regularly instead of it escaping from your rear, while you’re in the middle of a client meeting.
Regular yoga asanas can help you keep your digestive tract in perfect condition.
Above all, Listen to your Body
Digestive disorders like excessive gas are signals from your body. It’s trying to get your attention that something is not right down there. Try to understand your health issues and address the problems at the grass roots.
Put an End to Embarrassing Gas Leaks
Gas is a regular part of daily life, and everyone passes gas at least 14 times a day. If you’re passing gas, then it signals that your digestive system is working right and there is nothing to be ashamed. However, too much of anything is never good. Excessive flatulence can not only lead to awkward situations but can severely dampen your outlook on life. Have these natural remedies on hand, and keep your digestion in line and avoid embarrassing situations.
Let Food be Thy Medicine – Hippocrates
Source: http://www.naturehealz.com/blog/eight-natural-ways-to-get-rid-of-gas-bloating
Disclaimer: All information, data and material has been sourced from multiple authors and is for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor.
The views and nutritional advice expressed are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.